When you improve the lives of women, you change the world.

We exist to build relationships with women everywhere. We provide ministry resources to the Church of God and to other groups to connect women through relationships, spiritual formation, and service.

We support others as they train and empower women for leadership in peace building and reconciliation.


Over 90 years of reaching the women with the gospel...

Who is Christian Women Connection?

The 1930s proved to be unrelenting. The Great Depression was at its peak, missionaries were losing funding, and women were stretched thin trying to maintain their homes while making ends meet.

Yet our founder, Nora Siens Hunter, after pondering over Psalm 68:11, was overcome with conviction for the unreached. Moved to action by the Holy Spirit, she began organizing groups of ministers, Church of God members, and local women to spread the gospel at home and abroad. 

By 1932, she established the National Woman’s Home and Foreign Missionary, welcoming 58 women as new members. Within a year, the group grew to 948 members. Even during The Great Depression, this group of women brought forward their unique gifts — whether it be baking, cooking, or sewing — and humbly raised thousands of dollars for missions. 

The organization only continued to grow from there.  Today, Christian Women Connection is 15,000 members strong across the United States, Africa, the Caribbean, Asia, and Europe.

While our name has changed, our mission has remained the same — to meet the needs of missionaries and uplift women through the work of the gospel.

As our founder Nora Hunter would say,

new world?

Will you help us build a

Everything we do stems from these beliefs


God’s design and desire are that women become part of the work of the Kingdom of God.

Being a voice for women

The work of the gospel isn’t only spiritual. It integrates physical wholeness, liberation, and personal empowerment.

The pursuit of spiritual flourishing

From our inception, CWC has been committed to doing what is necessary to further the gospel in the world.

The work of love and justice is the gospel 

Relationships are critical to fulfilling God’s purposes and we must be intentional about cultivating them.

Bringing women together

From our inception, CWC has been committed to doing what is necessary to further the gospel in the world.


Spreading the message of hope in our neighborhoods and across the globe through...

We provide bible-based studies to help women know their identity in Christ and become empowered to do the work for which they are called in the work of the Kingdom.

Since community is crucial to Kingdom living, we create opportunities for women to forge deeper relationships with each other while serving as the hands and feet of Christ.

Our funding and community projects aim to meet physical needs and set women free from the captivity of society’s
structures and oppression. 

Education & Training

Connection & Community

Advocacy & Liberation


National Staff

The National Office for Christian Women Connection is located in Anderson, Indiana. They coordinate CWC ministries and develop resources for the national, state, and local ministry leaders.

Rev. Dr. Kimberly S. Majeski
Executive Director

Rev. Ali Robinson
Chief of Staff, Director of Programing

Rev. Darlene McGough
Ministry Assistant 

Leah Williams
Director of Media & Communications

Jan Edwards
Linen Chest Director 

Rev. Kelsi Rahman
Community Engagement 


board of directors

The Board of Directors are dedicated Church of God members who make key decisions around our culture, strategic focus, and financial rulings that move Christian Women Connection toward a brighter future.

Rev. Dr. Kimberly S. Majeski
Executive Director

Rev. Barbara Williams
Director of Finance

Ryann Hartzell
National Secretary

Angela Rigdon
National President

Sharon Delfeld
National Vice President

Herline Green
National Parliamentarian

Rev. Dr. Carol Merritt
Women Clergy

Saundra McNeese
National Association Women of the Church of God

Naomi Bryant
Member at Large

Precious Earley

Jennie Prior
Young Women Representative

Sarai Garcia
Concilio Representative

Colleen Stevenson
Global Strategy Personnel Representative

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